Tutorial 1: Installing the App

Install the Stegos desktop wallet by visiting the latest release page: Scroll to the bottom of the most recent entry. You may need to click the “Assets” button to expand the menu. Please read all the instructions first though! You will then see a list of files. Choose the right one for your operating system: Linux: stegos-wallet-1.2.1-x86_64.AppImage MacOS: StegosWallet-1.2.1.dmg Windows: StegosWallet.Setup.1.2.1.exe Install the file (you may get a security warning and need to give it permission to run — don’t worry, it’s perfectly safe) and you’re ready to begin! »

Tutorial 2: Finding Your Public Key

You can find your public key in the Stegos wallet. Click the account you want the public key for, and then click “Receive Account Address” FAQs How do I back up my public key? Choose the account you want to back up, then click “Account Settings” and then “Backup”. You’ll be shown your 24-word backup phrase. Record it somewhere safe and don’t share it with anyone. I’ve lost my public key! »

Tutorial 3: Send a Transaction

To send a transaction, simply enter the Stegos wallet app and choose “Send” from the menu on the left-hand side. Choose the account you want to send STG from, and then fill in the other fields. If you want to verify this transaction later, make sure you check the “Generate Payment Certificate” box. You’ll need to do this to complete the bounty task. Click next. Double check that all the details are correct, then click send. »

Tutorial 4: Staking

Staking is currently only possible from the Stegos CLI (command-line interface). You can download the CLI from here. When the CLI first opens, you’ll see a prompt. Type commands and press enter to perform actions. Type help to see the list of available commands. To stake, switch to the account registered with the bounty and type stake [amount]. It’s important to note that the CLI is currently denominated in microSTG, as can be seen by typing show balance. »