Data Directory Layout

Data directory has the following layout: ├── accounts/ <!-- Accounts │ ├── 1 │ │ ├── account.pkey <!-- Account #1 public key (address) │ │ ├── account.skey <!-- Account #1 secret key (address) │ │ └── history/ <!-- Payment History (RocksDB) │ └── 2 │ ├── account.pkey <!-- Account #2 public key (address) │ ├── account.skey <!-- Account #2 secret key (address) │ └── history/ <!-- Payment History (RocksDB) ├── api. »

Building from Source

Quick Start Please use ./ci-scripts/ to install all dependencies and compile stegos and stegosd executables: git clone cd stegos ./ci-script/ Produced executables will be available in the ./target/release subdirectory. Supported platforms: Ubuntu 18.04 “Bionic” Debian 10 “Booster” Fedora 30 / 31 Windows Server 2019 macOS 10.15 “Catalina” Android 5.0 “Lollipop” Other platforms may work as well, but not tested. See platform-specific notes below. Windows Notes On Windows please install MinGW toolchain first by running . »

WebSocket API

Stegos Node offers experimental asynchronous WebSocket API. This API allow you to manage accounts, create and track transactions, receive notifications and so on. For exchange integration, see the exchange api section. Prerequisites Protocol Framing Payload Remote Procedure Calls Notifications Wallet API List Accounts Create Account Delete Account Getting Recovery Phrase Recover Account Unseal Account Seal Account Account Information Change Password Account Information Balance Information UTXO Information Payments Cloak Stake Unstake Restake Validate Certificate Payment History Node API Status Information Status Notifications Blockchain Information Blockchain Notifications Pop Micro Block Escrow Information Election Information Enable Restaking Use Cases Transaction Tracking Prerequisites Node is up and running Any WebSocket client library or a browser. »

Exchange Integration

In a private coin like Stegos, where each utxo has a cloaked public key, one usually needs a secret key to find whether a particular utxo belongs to a particular user. Exchange services usually handle a large number of users. For security reasons, they store secret keys in a secure place, often without access to the internet. Thus the standard Stegos approach is incompatible with standard exchange processes. To get around this problem, for exchanges we make use of Public outputs. »